Journey Martial Arts

Clayton C. Johnson


I am a full time martial arts instructor and school operator. I am passionate about the martial arts and I am passionate about teaching. Most importantly…. I love what I do.

For over 20 years, people have come to me with their goals.  Many of the goals, that people have, come down to be healthier and happier people. I help other people to realize their goals. The best part is that I have taught my staff to do the same things that I do. I have a staff of instructors that are really wonderful people; all of them received their black belts from my school. We all have the experience and knowledge to teach everyone, including children, teens, adults, seniors and students with specials needs and challenges.

I consider my staff and students my family. We work hard and challenge ourselves to do our best in everything that we do. The experience of being a part of Journey Martial Arts is fantastic. Some of my martial arts, fitness kickboxing, and Tai Chi students have been with me for the entire 20+ years that I have managed this school! In some of our Journey families, the kids and their parents have earned their black belts together. I have been a martial arts instructor long enough to begin having the kids that grew up training with me bring in their children to train with us!

Choose Journey Martial Arts so that you realize your goals of getting stronger, healthier, and have lots of fun doing it.

Come in and take a class. I am looking forward to meeting you.

Clayton C. Johnson
Master Instructor